Now lets test the routing of requests to the backend PodInfo services. According to the routing rules we created request should be split roughly 50:50 between v1 and v2.
We’ll need to exec onto the frontend container:
# Get the frontend pods name
export FRONTEND_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n apps -l app=frontend-podinfo -o jsonpath='{.items[]}')
# Exec onto the pod
kubectl -n apps exec -it ${FRONTEND_NAME} -- sh
We’ll use curl to make a request to the backend-podinfo.apps.svc.cluster.local
virtual service:
curl backend-podinfo.apps.svc.cluster.local:9898
When we run this command AWS App Mesh will take into account the virtual routes we have configured and route the request accordingly. You should see output similar to this:
"hostname": "backend-podinfo-v2-74f967bf8b-57xfx",
"version": "3.3.1",
"revision": "b45cc753291a9bfb9604a596ae709dd775f52a98",
"color": "#34577c",
"logo": "",
"message": "greetings from podinfo v3.3.1",
"goos": "linux",
"goarch": "amd64",
"runtime": "go1.14.2",
"num_goroutine": "8",
"num_cpu": "2"
Notice that you can see which version of the backend has been called by looking at the hostname
in the output. In the example above it has been routed to v2.
We will now make requests in a loop to ensure that both versions of the backend service are being called. Whilst still exec’d into the container run the following command:
while true; do curl backend-podinfo.apps.svc.cluster.local:9898; echo; sleep .5; done
You should see from the output that hostname indicates that both v1 and v2 are being called. And its roughly even between the 2 versions.
Leave this command running.