Welcome to GitOps on AWS: How to Build High Performing Team Operations

Many modern enterprises embrace DevOps methodologies - automating and streamlining the integration and deployment processes - in order to increase development speed and reliability. GitOps takes DevOps principles one step further while leveraging best practices from managing application infrastructure as code.

GitOps allows development teams to use the tools that they are already familiar with - Git. Updates and features can be released more rapidly without knowing internals of Kubernetes or other operational procedures.

Operators can enable a self service model for developers while reducing overhead on lifecycle management of workloads and clusters.

In this workshop we will learn:

  • What does an optimal operations experience look like
  • How to make operators successful at any scale
  • How to simplify Kubernetes as an application platform with full observability
  • How to deploy apps with GitOps
  • Introduce service meshes

GitOps Operating Model

For further reading we recommend: